Meet The CEED Team

We are proud to have a strong, multi-disciplinary team of professionals.

President & CEO
(902) 421-2333 x1001 (phone)
(902) 536-3589 (cell)
Senior Manager, Engagement & Communications
(902) 421-2333 x1004 (phone)
(902) 536-3597 (cell)
Senior Manager, Finance & Operations
(902) 421-2333 x1005 (phone)
(902) 536-3602 (cell)
Business Advisor
(902) 421-2333 x2002 (phone)
Senior Manager, SME Incubation & Financing
(902) 421-2333 x1002 (phone)
(902) 536-3590 (cell)
Regional Development Manager, Cape Breton
(902) 421-2333 x1006 (phone)
902-703-1252 (cell)
Senior Manager, Innovation Programming
(902) 421-2333 x1003 (phone)
(902) 536-3591 (cell)
Business Advisor
(902) 421-2333 x2005 (phone)
(902) 702-3868 (cell)
Loans & Development Officer
(902) 421-2333 x2004 (phone)
902-536-3606 (cell)
Programs & Services Administrator
(902) 421-2333 x4001 (phone)
(902) 536-3599 (cell)
Human Resources Administrator
(902) 421-2333 x4002 (phone)
(902) 536-3601 (cell)
Entrepreneurship & Communications Coordinator
(902) 421-2333 x3004 (phone)
Entrepreneurship & Communications Coordinator
(902) 421-2333 x3005 (phone)
Bookkeeper and Administrative Assistant
(902) 421-2333 x6006 (phone)
Entrepreneurship & Communications Coordinator
(902) 421-2333 x6004 (phone)
(902) 700-4676 (cell)
Leveling It Up Program Manager
(902) 421-2333 x6001 (phone)
(902)-707-0900 (cell)
Leveling It Up Bookkeeping and Administration
(902) 421-2333 x6003 (phone)
(902) 412-4753 (cell)
Leveling It Up Bilingual program Advisor and Facilitator
(902) 421-2333 x6005 (phone)
(902)-707-0904 (cell)